Inner Personal Advice: December 2010


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stressin' To impress (personal advice)

I learned a long time ago that if you spread yourself too thin in the beginning that later on you run out of things to do in order to impress that one you tried too hard to impress later! You will become tired, wasted, maybe even worthless!

Why do people do that? They waste time in the beginning, bending over back-words in order to impress someone they like, or want in a relationship!

Friday, December 3, 2010

How about the weather?

Since the start of the >school year the weather has been quite different! We have had Hot sun shine, Snow, Rain, Fog, Slush(rain and snow at once). We have had some quite powerful winds. And in between all those different things we have had more Hot sunny days